SMARTrenew Good Energy Practices Guide

SMARTrenew is a project funded under the Northern Periphery and Arctic Programme 2014 – 2020 with an allocated budget of €1.6 million.

The aim of SMARTrenew is to transfer to knowledge from partners across the NPA region to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of renewable energy sources and implement innovative and sustainable energy storage solutions.

The SMARTrenew Good Energy Practices Guide showcases the outputs from project SMARTrenew across the Northern Periphery and Arctic region.

Over the lifespan of the project, each of the 7 partners have completed a number of pilot initiatives aimed at increasing the uptake and awareness of renewable energy and smart energy storage solutions across Ireland, Northern Ireland, Finland, the Faroe Islands, Iceland and Norway.

As leader of project SMARTrenew, WiSAR Lab completed a pilot initiative at the ATU Donegal campus, installing solar-powered electric vehicle chargers to help accelerate the electrification of transport in Northwest Ireland.

The SMARTrenew Good Energy Practices Guide brings together these innovative pilot actions, outlining the background to the relevant regions and the pilot activities and impacts including:

WiSAR Lab, Letterkenny Institute of Technology, Ireland

Pilot: Solar Powered Electric Vehicle Charging with Battery Storage

Donegal County Council, Ireland

Pilot: Retrofit of Public Buildings with Heat Pumps, Solar Array & Cavity Insulation

Derry City and Strabane District Council, Northern Ireland

Pilot: Retrofit of Historic Buildings with Intelligent Energy Efficient Wireless Technology Heating System

Oulu University of Applied Sciences, Finland

Pilot: Heat Storage & Geothermal for District Heating & Hydrogen Competence Mapping

Umhvørvisstovan Environmental Agency, The Faroe Islands

Pilot: Borehole Energy Storage Combined with Ground Source Heat Pumps

Sintef Research Institute, Norway

Pilot: Remote Monitoring of Energy Consumption in Off-Grid Households

Orkusetur Energy Agency, Iceland

Pilot: Replacement of Diesel Power with Wind Turbines, Solar & Battery Solutions

Download a copy of the SMARTrenew Good Energy Practices Guide here