The Minister for Enterprise, Trade and Employment, Peter Burke TD, the Minister for Further and Higher Education, Research, Innovation and Science, Patrick O’Donoghue TD, and Minister of State for Trade Promotion, Digital and Company Regulation, Dara Calleary TD, has launched Call 7 of the Disruptive Technologies Innovation Fund (DTIF). The aim of the fund is to encourage collaborations by industry and research sector into the development and commercialisation of ground-breaking technologies.
The Disruptive Technologies Innovation Fund (DTIF) is a €500 million challenge-based fund established under Project Ireland 2040. It is one of four funds set up under the National Development Plan (NDP) 2018-2027. It is managed by the Department of Enterprise, Trade and Employment and administered by Enterprise Ireland.
DTIF is suitable for combinations of SMEs, MNCs and RPOs who are engaging in collaborative ‘industrial research’ and/or ‘experimental development’ towards a common objective.
You should apply to DTIF if your project will potentially:
- alter markets
- alter the way businesses operate
- involve the creation of new products or
contribute to the emergence of new business models
Additional reasons to apply based on your partner type
Projects are assessed based on four criteria:
- strength of the disruptive technology dimension
- excellence of the overall proposal and approach
- economic impact and sustainability
- quality and efficiency of the collaboration
DTIF Call 7 launched on 7 May 2024 as a ‘rolling’ call and will close at 5pm on 30 April 2025.
As an approved Research Performing Organisation under the DTIF, we would like to hear from you to discuss your innovation idea and explore funding under the scheme.