LYIT Green Day and SMARTrenew Seminar
With over 20 exhibitors already secured, Letterkenny Institute of Technology’s (LYIT) Green Day is once again set to be of huge interest to businesses, households and students from all over Donegal, Derry and Strabane. Everyone is welcome, just turn up on the day!
Green Day will take place in LYIT on Thursday 28 November from 9.30am to 2.30pm and along with the extensive range of exhibitors we are adding a further dimension with SMARTrenew the multinational EU project hosting a panel of international experts. The SMARTrenew seminar will include an energy consultant from Denmark and a SMARTrenew partner from Iceland, to share with us their experiences, insights and learning on how they have embraced smart renewable energy technology, including smart energy storage in batteries and heat extraction from the sea.
Speakers will include Alan Ryan from SEAI, Ireland, Ragnar Ásmundsson from HeatRD in Iceland, Eddie McGoldrick from Power on Technologies in Northern Ireland and keynote address from Magda Kowalska from PlanEnergi in Denmark.
“Powered by Nature – The Role of Renewable Energy in achieving Irelands Climate Action Targets”
9.30 – 9.35 LYIT Welcome Address
9.35 – 9.45 Nick Timmons, Lead Partner SMARTrenew, PI WiSAR Lab, LyIT
“Introduction to NPA Interreg project SMARTrenew”
9.45 – 10.05 Alan Ryan, Programme Manager SEAI, Ireland
“Irelands Climate Action Plan, policy on the targets, how smart renewable energy technology will help achieve them”
10.05 – 10.25 Ragnar Ásmundsson, HeatRD, Iceland
“Renewable energy utilization in Iceland with focus on geothermal and future deep drilling opportunities.
Potential for ocean heat utilization in the Arctic region, linking to the SMARTrenew project”
10.25 – 10.55 Eddie McGolderick, Power On technologies, N. Ireland
“Smart Battery Storage Systems to enable management and control of energy consumption and production.”
11.00 – 11.30 Coffee and networking
11.30 – 11.50 Andy Frew, Northern Ireland Housing Executive
“Developing a strategy on the use of ‘Smart’ controlled, renewable electricity to displace high carbon
heating fuels, as economic solutions to decarbonise heating for the NIHE’s 30,000 oil fired homes.”
11.50 – 12.35 Magda Kowalska, PlanEnergi, Denmark
“Danish and European perspective on renewable energy services and innovations. In particular,
innovation around the renewable energy mix as power-to-heat concept and thermal energy storage.
Technical and social solutions to alleviate climate change, with example of Danish climate action
initiatives and project implementations.”
12.35 – 13.20 Panel Discussion, Q&A
“Q & A session with all our speakers”
13.30 Lunch
Get your free tickets now on Eventbrite – HERE